Jindi and Lavinia asked listeners to answer questions like: what brings you joy? What makes you laugh? Many of you responded and we loved your replies! We're also trying to stay sane during the current pandemic: Lavinia has been busy in her vegetable garden, Jindi is starting her career in coaching (hit her up on instagram!). Jindi also saw a puppy. This will be our last episode for the foreseeable future, as we'll be focusing on different individual things. Please stay in touch through instagram: @slowthefdownpodcast or our private accounts: @jindijoosten & @laviniasuij We love you and thank you for your support for the past year. It's been an exciting adventure. And don't forget: Slow the F Down!
Gemaakt door: Slow the F Down! Eerste aflevering: 28-06-2022
De podcast Slow the F Down! heeft in totaal 37 afleveringen
Maker: Slow the F Down! Datum: 10-04-2020
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