Aflevering You Don't Hate Expats, You Hate Their Tax Benefits (Ai English Version)

· Aflevering van de podcast: Schaamteloos Randstedelijk

Voor de orginele aflevering in het Nederlands klik hier Once we saw them as the ideal helpers to become the world's best knowledge economy. But nowadays, it seems like we primarily see them as people who drive up housing prices, have no intention to integrate, and enjoy unfair tax benefits. Today, we're discussing the changing attitude towards expats. We spoke to expats, listeners, recruiters, and economists about where this anti-expat sentiment is coming from. We also briefly talk to European Parliament member Paul Tang about his stance on the necessary adjustments to the 30% ruling in the Netherlands. Expat topic starts at 15:00 Heard in this episode: Opinion: What the cynical childcare system has taught my girlfriend and me: work is for the wealthy - De Volkskrant Yoga with your dog, because as a metropolitan owner, you naturally want the best for your pet - NRC Mediastorm - HUMAN New record of knowledge migrants: mainly Indian migrants, but also many Russians came to the Netherlands in 2022 - De Volkskrant Help Kometen Brood café with their crowdfunding! ?? Download Hinge for iOS or Android ?? Cook healthy with up to €90 discount on your first 4 boxes using the UNIQUE DISCOUNT CODE: CHEFSCHAAMTELOOS. Claim the discount here." Zie het privacybeleid op en de privacyverklaring van Californië op

Schaamteloos Randstedelijk

Schaamteloos Randstedelijk

Gemaakt door: Dag en Nacht Media Eerste aflevering: 07-10-2022

De podcast Schaamteloos Randstedelijk heeft in totaal 60 afleveringen

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Je haat geen expats, je haat hun belastingvoordeel

Je haat geen expats, je haat hun belastingvoordeel

Maker: Dag en Nacht Media Datum: 21-09-2023

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You don't hate expats, you hate their tax benefits (AI English Version)

Schaamteloos Randstedelijk · 21-09-2023

00:00 00:52:15