We're Smart World organized 'We're Smart Fusion' for the first time! Concept: bringing Vegetables Chefs all over the world together to share their way of cooking with vegetables or even so plantbased food and to exchange ideas about the menu of the future. Sabine was invited for a Satellite Gourmet on the Road and talked to Frank Fol, founder of We're Smart World and to some of the present chefs to know their opinion about plantbased and our future food and eating habits. Host was HANS VAN WOLDE of Brut 172** (Reijmerstok, Maastricht). This Chef shared his hands with nr. 2 Vegetable Chef Green Guide EMILE VAN DER STAAK of 'De Nieuwe Winkel' to cook a completely plantbased dinner. A production of host Sabine Goethals - Viewfalls.be for We're Smart World. Support this podcast by podvertising your business, brand or product!
Gemaakt door: Sabine Goethals Eerste aflevering: 29-03-2022
De podcast Satellite Gourmet heeft in totaal 154 afleveringen
Maker: Sabine Goethals Datum: 20-10-2022
Maker: Sabine Goethals Datum: 03-11-2022
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