Why is political fiction writing a cool thing, and how do you do it? We talk about with none other than the awesome podcaster/musician/prepper/writer/anarchist Margaret Killjoy. We asked her about her journey as a political fiction writer, why she makes the choices that she makes, and the political value of anarchist fiction. We also asked her for some advice for people who want to write their own political fiction! This interview was recorded in May 2023 at the Pinksterlanddagen, an annual Dutch anarchist festival at an anarchist campsite. This episode is the first collab between Onderstroom and Radio Kookpunt, both of them Dutch language podcasts about radical leftist stuff. You can find Onderstroom here: https://onderstroom.red And you can find Radio Kookpunt here: https://open.spotify.com/show/74isRPbK0uITldAIcO7J3o or www.soundcloud.com/kookpunt Where to find Margaret Killjoy and her work: WEBSITE https://birdsbeforethestorm.net/ BOOKS Escape from Incel Island: https://www.akpress.org/escape-from-intel-island-ebook.html Book of short stories: We Won’t Be Here Tomorrow: https://www.akpress.org/we-wont-be-here-tomorrow.html Anarchist utopia book: A Country of Ghosts: https://www.akpress.org/countryofghosts.html Novellas: The Lamb Will Slaughter the Lion https://publishing.tor.com/thelambwillslaughterthelion-margaretkilljoy/9780765397355/ and The Barrow Will Send What It May: https://publishing.tor.com/thebarrowwillsendwhatitmay-margaretkilljoy/9780765397379/ PODCASTS (History) Cool People Who Did Cool Stuff: https://open.spotify.com/show/0Qptn7pM3Pzi01rKVBvjG4?si=748db359a9cd4695 (Anarchist preparedness) Live Like the World is Dying: https://open.spotify.com/show/1MecDqUV1mT34hl7nChXVJ?si=2e48c6a807b04ffc TABLETOP ROLE PLAYING GAME Penumbra City: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/penumbra-city/penumbra-city MUSIC Feminazgul: https://feminazgul.bandcamp.com/ Vulgarite: https://vulgarite.bandcamp.com/ Nomadic War Machine https://nomadicwarmachine.bandcamp.com/ The Lathe: https://thelathe.bandcamp.com/ ? intro music: Cistem Failure - Dessert https://cistemfailure.bandcamp.com radiokookpunt[at]protonmail.com Instagram, Twitter: @radiokookpunt Alex[at]onderstroom.red Instagram: @onderstroom.red
Gemaakt door: Radio Kookpunt Eerste aflevering: 02-10-2022
De podcast Radio Kookpunt heeft in totaal 43 afleveringen
Maker: Radio Kookpunt Datum: 30-03-2023
Maker: Radio Kookpunt Datum: 11-08-2023
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