[English below] Welkom op het podcastkanaal van Radboud Reflects. Hier vind je de podcasts van bijna al onze verdiepende lezingen over filosofie, religie, ethiek, samenleving en cultuur.
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Radboud Reflects: stof tot nadenken.
Radboud Reflects invites you to think further. Beyond the issues of the day.
With lectures, films and debates we make science accessible to a large audience, offline as well as online. Our programs offer an innovative and in-depth look at issues that matter in science, in society and in the current events of today.
Here you will find the podcasts of our lectures. Subscribe and don't miss a Radboud Reflects podcast.
We offer a stimulating stage to analyze complex issues from a philosophical, ethical or religious perspective. Sharpen your opinion in a conversation with leading scientists and get inspired by groundbreaking international thinkers. Radboud Reflects: something to think about!
On Tuesday 8 November 2022, the Midterm Elections will be held. US citizens vote for their new local as well as state representatives. Will the Democrats succeed in obtaining their narrow majority in the Senate? How will a Republican succes ...
Cows dying in a barn fire, chimpanzees struggling to survive in a shrinking jungle, and whales stranding with kilos of plastic in their stomachs. Animals are in trouble all over the world. And we, humans, are causing their suffering. Our sp ...
Op 8 november 2022 is de beroemde Amerikaanse filosoof en Spinozalenslaureaat 2022 Martha Nussbaum via Zoom te gast bij Radboud Reflects. Ter voorbereiding organiseerde Radboud Reflects een week daarvoor een lezing waarin ethicus Marcel Bec ...
Winter time is fast approaching. Time to get back into the discussion about whether or not to set the clock back. Would it be better and healthier for us to follow our own biorhythm, or is following the clock’s rhythm ultimately more benefi ...
Democracies around the world are becoming more and more vulnerable. While some democracies are subject to violent revolutions or coup d’états, there are also worrying situations of slow deterioration of democracy. Why is it that democracies ...
De boodschappen, de energierekening en de huur: alles wordt duurder. En dat sneller dan ooit. De huidige inflatiecijfers breken de records uit de jaren zeventig. Waar komt de inflatie vandaan en wie kan het stoppen? Steeds meer Nederlanders ...
Iemand die met manipulatie, bedrog en slinkse plannen de eigen machtspositie verstrekt, noemen we ‘Machiavelliaans’. Maar hoe terecht is het dat we het gedachtegoed van de filosoof Machiavelli vooral hiermee associëren? Machiavelli heeft oo ...
Nepnieuws, ongepast gepersonaliseerde advertenties en polariserende algoritmes: het ooit zo open internet staat onder druk. Dit heeft een negatieve impact op burgers en consumenten, maar ook op het functioneren van de democratie. Reden voor ...
Being able to recognize yourself in the media is important, but not self-evident for everyone. Too long Western media payed very little attention to diversity in skin color, religion and gender. Why is this important? What is the best way f ...
From Marine Le Pen to Viktor Orbán: the far-right parties in Europe are sending their congratulations to Italy. The Italian elections have concluded that Giorgia Meloni, leader of the Fratelli d’Italia, will likely become the new prime mini ...
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