Statistics rule the world. Debates and decisions on major problems are often based on percentages, figures and numbers. But how much do we actually understand and know about the numbers we base our decisions on? Why do we find numbers so important when they often fail to resolve issues? Isn’t it more important to investigate the values behind different points of view instead of presenting alternative statistics? Come and learn from scholar of organization Alan Irwin about our complicated relationship with statistics, and the world behind the numbers. Statistics Rule| Lecture and conversation with scholar of organization Alan Irwin | Thursday 13 April 2023 | 20.00 – 21.30 hrs. | Collegezalencomplex, Radboud University | Radboud Reflects and Institute for Science in Society Read the review: Or watch the video: Never want to miss a podcast again? Subscribe to this channel! Also don't forget to like this podcast! Radboud Reflects organizes in-depth lectures about philosophy, religion, ethics, science and society, check our website for upcoming in-depth (English) lectures: Do you want to stay up to date about our activities? Please sign in for the English newsletter:
Gemaakt door: Radboud Reflects, verdiepende lezingen Eerste aflevering: 25-03-2022
De podcast Radboud Reflects, verdiepende lezingen heeft in totaal 520 afleveringen
Maker: Radboud Reflects, verdiepende lezingen Datum: 14-04-2023
Maker: Radboud Reflects, verdiepende lezingen Datum: 24-04-2023
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