Why do we celebrate Christmas in December? How come every gospel tells a different story of Jesus’ birth? And why is Joseph usually pictured as an old man? Find out everything you always wanted to know about the nativity story in this special Christmas podcast with Oxford theologian John Barton. And, be sure to listen to the jingle and the song at the end in the podcast. It was recorded specifically for this occasion by Sanne Groen, Marc Slors and Dave Willems. The story we know We all know the story somehow: Jesus was born in a stable in Bethlehem because Joseph and Mary had to leave their hometown for a population census ordered by emperor August. The shepherds in the field were told by an angel that a saviour was born, and three wise men from the East travelled far in search of the newborn king. It sounds like a coherent story, but the truth is otherwise: each gospel tells a different story, and two of them do not mention Jesus’ birth at all. How come? And does this imply that the nativity story as many of us know it is actually not true? History is not harmonious Together with John Barton, Biblical scholar at the University of Oxford, program writers Liesbeth Jansen and Tjidde Tempels try to find answers to these questions. Mary never travelled on a donkey, Barton claims, nor were there three wise men to visit baby Jesus. But that does not make the story less valuable, for it teaches us that Biblical history has never been harmonious. These stories have developed in complex communities trying to find their ways in troubled times. Each story provided meaning and support in its own particular context, and they can do the same for us. Hope in troubled times The story of the birth of Christ remains an incredibly interesting text that has profoundly influenced many cultures. What can the nativity story teach us nowadays? How can this story of hope provide guidance and support in our own troubled times? About the speaker John Barton is emeritus Professor of the Interpretation of Holy Scripture at the University of Oxford. His work A History of the Bible – The Book and its Faiths (2019) is the result of a lifelong study into the Biblical scriptures and the many ways in which they have been explained, and has been translated in five languages. Barton is also a priest within the Anglican Church. This is a program of Radboud Reflects and DEZINNEN. Subscribe to the Radboud Reflects podcast channels on Soundcloud, Spotify and iTunes and be the first to know about new podcasts. Subscribe to the English e-mail newsletter and be the first to know about new programming, the latest reviews, video's and more. www.ru.nl/rr/newsletter www.ru.nl/radboudreflects
Gemaakt door: Radboud Reflects, verdiepende lezingen Eerste aflevering: 25-03-2022
De podcast Radboud Reflects, verdiepende lezingen heeft in totaal 520 afleveringen
Maker: Radboud Reflects, verdiepende lezingen Datum: 14-12-2020
Maker: Radboud Reflects, verdiepende lezingen Datum: 14-01-2021
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