The Western philosophy is stunningly silent on colonialism and imperialism. The American philosopher Amy Allen thinks the Critical Theory is to blame. The critical theory, like other versions of European theory more generally, espouses a false universalism that assumes and incorporates the inequality of races and the subordination of inferior cultures. Come and learn why Amy Allen thinks we need to decolonialize our Western thinking. Thursday 22 March | 19.30 – 21.00 uur | Campus Radboud Universiteit C | Radboud Reflects and CCEP Read the review: Never want to miss a podcast again? Subscribe to this channel. Radboud Reflects Organizes in-depth lectures about philosophy, religion, ethics, society and culture. Wil je op de hoogte blijven van onze activiteiten? Schrijf je dan in voor de tweewekelijkse nieuwsbrief: Do you want to stay up to date about our activities? Please sign in for the English newsletter:
Gemaakt door: Radboud Reflects, verdiepende lezingen Eerste aflevering: 25-03-2022
De podcast Radboud Reflects, verdiepende lezingen heeft in totaal 520 afleveringen
Maker: Radboud Reflects, verdiepende lezingen Datum: 21-03-2018
Maker: Radboud Reflects, verdiepende lezingen Datum: 24-03-2018
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