Why is it so hard to make the right decision, the decision that is most sustainable and best for society? Every day we face numerous choices: what to eat, who to trust. How does this work in our brain? And how do professionals make choices between profit and sustainability? Come and learn from brain researcher Alan Sanfey and communication expert Noelle Aarts, all about sustainability and decision-making. Wednesday 7 February 2018 | 19.30 - 21.00 hrs | Collegezalencomplex This was a programme of Radboud Reflects, Donders Institute and Sustainability Programme Board Radboud University Read the review: http://www.ru.nl/radboudreflects/terugblik/terugblik-2018/terugblik-2018/18-02-07-making-the-green-choice-lecture-by-brain/ Or watch the video: https://youtu.be/YPylEJDYMH4 Never miss a podcast again? Subscribe to this channel. Radboud Reflects organises in-depth lectures for everybody about philosophy, religion, ethics, society and culture. www.ru.nl/radboudreflects Wil je op de hoogte blijven van onze activiteiten? Schrijf je dan in voor de tweewekelijkse nieuwsbrief: https://www.ru.nl/radboudreflects/nieuwsbrief/aanmelden-mailnieuwsbrief-radboud-reflects/ Do you want to stay up to date about our activities? Please sign in for the English newsletter: https://www.ru.nl/radboudreflects/nieuwsbrief/subscribe-to-newsletter/
Gemaakt door: Radboud Reflects, verdiepende lezingen Eerste aflevering: 25-03-2022
De podcast Radboud Reflects, verdiepende lezingen heeft in totaal 520 afleveringen
Maker: Radboud Reflects, verdiepende lezingen Datum: 09-02-2018
Maker: Radboud Reflects, verdiepende lezingen Datum: 23-02-2018
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