How do you measure the quality of a scientist? Can quantifiable indicators such as impact factors and the number of publications in reputable journals determine the effort, inventiveness, and quality of a scientist? Rankings and reputation are considered important for scientists, research groups and universities as a whole. But does the focus on those quantifiable indicators stimulate or weaken the creativity and productivity of scientists? Tuesday 20 November 2017 | 12. 45 – 13.30 hrs | Central Hall Huygens building (Noordstraat) Radboud University Read the review: Never want to miss a podcast again? Subscribe to this channel. Radboud Reflects Organizes in-depth lectures about philosophy, religion, ethics, society and culture. Wil je op de hoogte blijven van onze activiteiten? Schrijf je dan in voor de tweewekelijkse nieuwsbrief: Do you want to stay up to date about our activities? Please sign in for the English newsletter:
Gemaakt door: Radboud Reflects, verdiepende lezingen Eerste aflevering: 25-03-2022
De podcast Radboud Reflects, verdiepende lezingen heeft in totaal 520 afleveringen
Maker: Radboud Reflects, verdiepende lezingen Datum: 16-11-2017
Maker: Radboud Reflects, verdiepende lezingen Datum: 30-11-2017
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