Profunda Plastica podcast

Profunda Plastica

Go beyond the surface and uncover the art and science of plastic surgery through conversations with expert surgeons. Delve into cutting-edge techniques, the fascinating stories of surgeons beyond the hospital walls, and the future innovations shaping this dynamic field. Made for medical students and aspiring surgeons, this podcast breaks the stereotypes of plastic and reconstructive surgery. Discussing subjects from all corners of this field.

  • Podcast gepubliceerd op: 3-12-2024 23:35:06
  • Maker: Guy Oster
  • Taal: nl-nl
  • Laatste RSS update: 22-2-2025 14:15:00
  • Datum eerste aflevering: 26-11-2024 16:14:39
  • Datum laatste aflevering: 18-2-2025 10:00:00


7 Afleveringen

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