It's Easter 2023 when we publish this story. It appears this time we're all trying to find out who we can still trust and at risk of loosing our faith. But how can you tell the difference between who's genuine and who's a 'False Prophet'? Michaéla shares the story of the Piped Piper of Hamelin to explain what we can do. PS No cats were harmed during the recording of this interview.
Gemaakt door: Potkaars - Rico Brouwer Eerste aflevering: 24-07-2022
De podcast Potkaars Podcast - Interviews en reportages heeft in totaal 386 afleveringen
Maker: Potkaars - Rico Brouwer Datum: 14-03-2023
Maker: Potkaars - Rico Brouwer Datum: 12-04-2023
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