Aflevering Woke Culture Threatens Academic Freedom - Laurens Buijs (Follow The Science)

· Aflevering van de podcast: Potkaars Podcast - Interviews en reportages

Threats, attacks, possible dismissal and cancelling happened when Laurens Buijs, social scientist and professor at the University of Amsterdam spoke out about his field of expertise and made a report of the cancel culture at the UvA. Buijs talks to Rico Brouwer of Follow the Science about how diversity policies have turned into a threat to Academic Freedom to the point where he's now called on Whistle-blower protection. In this 50 minute interview Laurens explains what is woke culture and the concept of non binary and talks about what happened to him after he published an opinion piece about it last week.  on Follow the Science:

Potkaars Podcast - Interviews en reportages

Potkaars Podcast - Interviews en reportages

Gemaakt door: Potkaars - Rico Brouwer Eerste aflevering: 24-07-2022

De podcast Potkaars Podcast - Interviews en reportages heeft in totaal 386 afleveringen

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Woke culture threatens academic freedom - Laurens Buijs (Follow the Science)

Potkaars Podcast - Interviews en reportages · 26-01-2023

00:00 00:53:05