Vanessa Lann is a composer and pianist who writes notes that sometimes defy convention. She loves to engage with others in collaboration and enjoys the moments her notes come into contact with others in the physical world. In her music Vanessa uses the repetition of recognizable figures, as well as layers of structures based on number ratios, to create a world in which each subtle element has a distinct meaning. In many works she explores the listener's perception of continuity, infinity and silence, as well as the shifting psychological relationship between foreground and background material, or between performer and audience. She has written a couple of Lieder especially for the Liedhuis production Rabbits at work. Here, she speaks to Florien about some of the stories that have led her music to where it is today.
Gemaakt door: Liedhuis Eerste aflevering: 16-11-2022
De podcast Muziek op verhalen heeft in totaal 8 afleveringen
Maker: Liedhuis Datum: 25-10-2021
Maker: Liedhuis Datum: 01-11-2022
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