As mothers navigating the challenges of life and motherhood, we often find ourselves losing sight of our own sense of womanhood. We tend to focus more on nurturing our children than nurturing ourselves as women. As a result, we may lose touch with our own sense of sexiness and even strain our relationships, both with our partners and with ourselves. Can you relate? In this episode, Keishia and Sandeline will share and exchange their experiences regarding this life issue. Let's be friends! Step 1: Leave me a 5-STAR REVIEW Step 2: Follow me on Instagram ?@keishiachittick__ and TikTok @keishiachittick
Gemaakt door: keishia chittick Eerste aflevering: 29-03-2024
De podcast Motherhood Podcast with Keishia heeft in totaal 8 afleveringen
Maker: keishia chittick Datum: 27-03-2024
Maker: keishia chittick Datum: 22-05-2024
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