Ahoj, as the Czechs say! Volt Maastricht's city council members, Mart and Jules, got sick... And this happened, of all days, during the weekend that they were supposed to go to Volt Europa's conference in Prague ?? Jaká škoda! But, luckily, Volt's council assistants, Romy and Ryan, did go to "Praha"! What's this annual "General Assembly" all about? Why's such a conference important for this European party? And, with which Volt members did Ryan and Romy speak? You will hear about it in this special Prague episode! Czech it out! Gotten curious about Volt Maastricht? We feel the same way ?? Follow us in all our political activities on our special English website: en.voltmaastricht.nl
Gemaakt door: Volt Maastricht Eerste aflevering: 14-03-2023
De podcast Mestreech Made in Europe heeft in totaal 40 afleveringen
Maker: Volt Maastricht Datum: 30-09-2022
Maker: Volt Maastricht Datum: 28-10-2022
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