Meditation and Reiki healings podcast

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Meditation and Reiki healings

Welcome to *Reset Your Mind Meditation* I'm Natalie Bilodeau, and I have been guiding spiritual journeys in the Netherlands for over four years. As an author, spiritual coach, hypnotherapist, and meditation guide, my passion is to help you connect with the universal energies that shape our lives. On this channel, you’ll find powerful meditations and Reiki healing sessions designed to support your spiritual and emotional well-being. My focus is on helping you center yourself, release blockages, and align with the higher frequencies of peace and balance. In addition to these practices, I will also provide three-month astrological forecasts on my Youtube channel (Reset your Mind Meditation) , offering you insight into the energies at play and how they may impact your personal path. Subscribe and join me on this journey of inner peace and transformation. Much love and light, Natalie Bilodeau

  • Podcast gepubliceerd op: 6-10-2024 09:10:01
  • Maker: Reset your Mind Meditation Natalie Bilodeau
  • Taal: nl
  • Laatste RSS update: 17-10-2024 10:05:00
  • Datum eerste aflevering: 6-10-2024 03:55:53
  • Datum laatste aflevering: 6-10-2024 04:56:13

Stem website va het jaar

4 Afleveringen

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