Aflevering Make 075 - Matt Simons (Artist & Musician)

· Aflevering van de podcast: Make

This week my guest is the one and only singer-songwriter Matt Simons. Matt, originally from San Fransisco, is an Artist and musician who moved to New York to pursue a career in jazz Music. He started studying jazz and started playing many different kind of gigs. And then one random day, he was playing a gig in a small venue in the Netherlands, and there a producer of a Dutch TV Show called 'Goede tijden slechte tijden' heard one of his songs. And that moment, basically changed his entire life. After that, he started getting an audience in Holland and started playing his very own shows. Well and that, turned out to be only the beginning… Because a few years later, when he released a song called Catch & Release everything went crazy. The song got picked up all around Europe, spread further globally and eventually became a Number one hit in many countries. So In just a few years time, Matt turned from being a talented unknown Jazz musician to a well known Pop Artist that is playing in front of thousands of people who sing along his songs. Another proof that everything big starts with something Small..



Gemaakt door: Kris Pouw Eerste aflevering: 29-03-2022

De podcast Make heeft in totaal 94 afleveringen

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Make 075 - Matt Simons (Artist & musician)

Make · 06-11-2022

00:00 01:03:18