Aflevering #004 Precision Nutrition

· Aflevering van de podcast: Lifestyle4Health

You are what you eat. It’s stating the obvious. But the possibilities for nutrition to prevent and even cure deases are numerous. The term "precision nutrition" is gaining ground. What is it and what is it not? Determining what works is a great challenge. Our diet is complex and varied. And on top of that funds are limited. How can we advance this possible solution to the other epidemics, such as diabetes and obesity? In this podcast, our host Glenn van der Burg will interview: Professor José Ordovas Nutrition and genomics expert from Tufts University, Boston Rens Vandeberg Innovation director of the Dutch Diabetes Fund Ben van Ommen Senior scientist Lifestyle as Medicine at the TNO research institute



Gemaakt door: Lifestyle4Health Eerste aflevering: 04-04-2022

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#004 Precision Nutrition

Lifestyle4Health · 28-06-2021

00:00 00:37:38