I can’t even begin to tell you hoe fun it was to record my first episode in English with you. This podcast gives you inside in how to overcome your imposter syndrome and about how fast change can actually happen. I know most people believe that its taking super long to make really lasting change. I share a little bit about my journey up untill now about how i became a coach for female entrepreneurs and give you so insights in my view of life. So we get to know each other better episode by episode. Thanks for listening and please let me know what you think of it for my English listeners and my Dutchies was it doable for you? Are you staying? And also the shows name “larger than life with Linda”? YAY OR NAY? You find me here on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lindableekerruck/
Gemaakt door: Linda Bleeker Eerste aflevering: 19-05-2023
De podcast Lichter leven met Linda heeft in totaal 77 afleveringen
Maker: Linda Bleeker Datum: 21-02-2024
Maker: Linda Bleeker Datum: 24-06-2024
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