In this podcast Manuele and I speak openly about our journey in sexuality.How we looked deeper in our woundings and programming to heal parts of ourselves in order to relate in a healthier way. We also talk about how your divine feminine and divine masculine will arise as you become more authentic and in to your heart. We discuss how the polarity teaching can be on a trap which withhold yourself to become more whole, authentic and in your heart. And yes polarity teaching are helpful, it helped me as well. But the moment you get in your head about it and start to think you have to be more feminine of masculine, you have created another trap of self judgment again. We may drop down in our hearts more and feel our bodies more. Slowing down and ask yourself a view times a day can help you to get in touch with your body. You will start to notice what you actually feel during the day. And from that attention inward you will feel your heart more and can come from that place in alle your connections.
Gemaakt door: Caroline van der Beek Eerste aflevering: 05-06-2022
De podcast Leef vanuit je Hart heeft in totaal 55 afleveringen
Maker: Caroline van der Beek Datum: 22-12-2023
Maker: Caroline van der Beek Datum: 11-08-2024
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