Aymeric is a very well known sound healer in France. He gives very powerful soundhealings and Atlas Balancing healings. From a young age on he was interested in sound, yoga and meditation and trough his live he developed very strong skills to give and develop different kinds of sound healings. He learned to play a lot of different instruments and how to use his voice for healing. He also gives trainings in sound healing and atlas balancing. So if you are interested to learn this or you want to experience a sound healing from him, you can check out his websites. https://www.quantaum.org https://atlas-balancing.fr #soundhealing #consciousness #meditation #leefvanuitjehart
Gemaakt door: Caroline van der Beek Eerste aflevering: 05-06-2022
De podcast Leef vanuit je Hart heeft in totaal 54 afleveringen
Maker: Caroline van der Beek Datum: 30-09-2020
Maker: Caroline van der Beek Datum: 02-10-2020
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