"A Modern Desire", a story by Hanna Bervoets, read to you by Juliet Gagnon In the near future, heterosexual couples can have their DNA checked in commercial clinics for potential physical or mental disorders that might affect their offspring. Coupling thus takes on a practical aspect: attraction is one thing, but what if your genes are a poor match? This is a story from literary magazine for Grounded SF "2.3.74" (1), with stories from the Netherlands and Flanders. Read all stories at https://www.magazine2374.com/.
Gemaakt door: Lebowski Publishers Eerste aflevering: 12-02-2023
De podcast Lebowski Publishers heeft in totaal 111 afleveringen
Maker: Lebowski Publishers Datum: 13-03-2018
Maker: Lebowski Publishers Datum: 13-03-2018
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