Ian Read, wilderness guide of the Wilderness Leadership School and Kenchaan, is our guest in this first episode of season 2. Ian feels a bit pushed out of his comfort zone like trail participants. However, a beautiful dialogue unfolds between Ian, Niek and Boy about the transition from the structured world to the magic of the natural world and how people are affected by it. With intense gratitude for life, participants find their true purpose and translate it into awareness-based action. Links: - naturalleadership.eu - wildernesstrails.org.za - kenchaan.nl - detransformatiegroep.nl
Gemaakt door: Boy & Niek van Droffelaar Eerste aflevering: 21-08-2022
De podcast Leaders Into the Wild Podcast | Boy & Niek van Droffelaar heeft in totaal 24 afleveringen
Maker: Boy & Niek van Droffelaar Datum: 07-02-2022
Maker: Boy & Niek van Droffelaar Datum: 25-04-2022
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