How many times have you seen a fellow wedding photographer/videographer throw in the towel after having been in the business for around 10 years? I have seen it way too often and I was on the way to the same path. In this episode I share my story with you. How I went from a startup to a booming business within 18 months, which led to my burn out and eventually to a discovery that will change the way we work in the wedding industry... Want to know more about Lauri? Find her on Instagram. Are you curious what Lauri can do for you? Send her a DM.
Gemaakt door: Lauri Miriam Eerste aflevering: 22-05-2022
De podcast Lauri Miriam: dé podcast voor video- en fotografen heeft in totaal 125 afleveringen
Maker: Lauri Miriam Datum: 23-12-2022
Maker: Lauri Miriam Datum: 13-01-2023
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