Since graduating from the Rotterdam Conservatory in June 2006, Salle de Jonge (aka Salomon) has been recognized in the music industry as a dedicated, hard-working drummer. Salle is considered by many to be the go-to guy for hip, grooving beats with a unique, eclectic sound ranging from jazz to hip hop and all points in between. For several years, Salle has been building his reputation on the domestic Dutch Jazz scene, playing and touring with Benjamin Herman, Mathilde Santing, Boris, Michiel Borstlap, Alain Clark, Edsilia Rombley and Loïs Lane, to name just a few.
Gemaakt door: Dutch Performers House Eerste aflevering: 12-06-2022
De podcast humble heroes podcast heeft in totaal 50 afleveringen
Maker: Dutch Performers House Datum: 25-11-2019
Maker: Dutch Performers House Datum: 09-04-2020
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