Aflevering Here Is Amc - Afl 6 Door Technologie Meer Ruimte Voor Mensenwerk, Met Kevin Wheeler

· Aflevering van de podcast: Hier is AMC - Podcast over arbeidsmarktcommunicatie

A special episode of this podcast series about recruitment marketing and employer branding. In English, this time, because I have Kevin Wheeler as a guest. Kevin Wheeler travels the world. By that, I mean our globe, but also the world of HR, Tech, recruitment and their future. Once a year Kevin is in Holland for a week. I am very glad, and honoured, to have interviewed Kevin for my podcast. I have tried to steer Kevin a little, so we could discuss the parts of the playingfield I can perhaps say something interesting about too. So we discussed employer branding, recruitment marketing and the role of people in all tech developments It was really interesting to talk to Kevin, I hope you enjoy our conversation. For the show-notes and all other info, check my site Marcel Q

Hier is AMC - Podcast over arbeidsmarktcommunicatie

Hier is AMC - Podcast over arbeidsmarktcommunicatie

Gemaakt door: WerkMerk MQ (Marcel van der Quast) Eerste aflevering: 08-05-2022

De podcast Hier is AMC - Podcast over arbeidsmarktcommunicatie heeft in totaal 61 afleveringen

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Here is AMC - Afl 6 Door technologie meer ruimte voor mensenwerk, met Kevin Wheeler

Hier is AMC - Podcast over arbeidsmarktcommunicatie · 05-06-2017

00:00 00:40:00