Tired of thinking about face masks and keeping 1,5 metres distance? Crazy of working from home with your children on your lap, hosting o-so-romantic zoom dinners, or having no nearby perspective of any physical contact other than with your old cat & the wine bottle? Let's take a step back and zoom out for a positive perspective. The wise and wonderful Susan Collin Marks is taking us on a journey to the deeper, spiritual meaning behind the virus and how this can guide us towards a different relationship with ourselves, each other and our planet. * Nobel Peace prize nominee Susan Collin Marks led, together with her husband John Marks, for decades the international peace-building organisation 'Search for Common Ground'. Her new book, 'Wisdom in times of conflict', will be published early 2021.* --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/fre-hooft-van-huysduynen/message
Gemaakt door: Fre Hooft van Huysduynen Eerste aflevering: 03-07-2022
De podcast Fre op Vrijdag heeft in totaal 8 afleveringen
Maker: Fre Hooft van Huysduynen Datum: 11-12-2020
Maker: Fre Hooft van Huysduynen Datum: 15-01-2021
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