Aflevering Apex Group’S Growth In Luxembourg Reflects A Shift In Global Landscape

· Aflevering van de podcast: Fondsnieuws

In this IO Talks podcast interview, Peter Hughes, CEO and founder of Apex Group, and Pierre Weimerskirch, its Luxembourg head, discussed the firm’s strategic ambitions in Luxembourg, highlighting the region’s increasing dominance in the global investment landscape. Hughes noted that despite Apex's global presence with over 100 offices, Luxembourg stands out in its strategic significance. "People want Luxembourg structures," he stated plainly, emphasising the jurisdiction's ascent in the investment world over the past decade. Discussing the operational intricacies, Weimerskirch characterised Luxembourg as an essential “inbound jurisdiction.” The increasing volume of inbound business mandates a robust platform in Luxembourg, which integrates seamlessly with major financial hubs. “Luxembourg is really an inbound jurisdiction for the business. We have to be best friends, with our colleagues in London, in New York, in Singapore, or wherever in the world. As Peter just said, it's just a global business. And Luxembourg is a platform for doing this global business,” said Weimerskirch. Investment Officer is an editorially independent media platform in the Benelux countries providing industry news and insights to investment professionals working for asset owners, asset managers and asset servicing companies. The Netherlands: Belgium: Luxembourg:



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Apex Group’s growth in Luxembourg reflects a shift in global landscape

Fondsnieuws · 19-09-2023

00:00 00:18:56