Risk rewired: Investing in renewable energy in emerging markets Mentioning that investing in energy has enormous potential has become almost a cliché. On the one hand there is the need to reduce the use of fossil energy sources, on the other hand there is the fact that demand for energy is only increasing. So focusing on investing in renewable energy is perfectly logical. Does this also apply to emerging markets? Not a shadow of a doubt, if it's up to impact investor Triodos Investment Management. Today, we are taking up this issue with Investment Strategist Maritza Cabezas Ludena and Fund Manager Greig Blackie. Maritza and Greig: welcome! Investment Officer is an editorially independent media platform in the Benelux countries providing industry news and insights to investment professionals working for asset owners, asset managers and asset servicing companies. The Netherlands: http://www.investmentofficer.nl Belgium: http://www.investmentofficer.be Luxembourg: http://www.investmentofficer.lu
Gemaakt door: Fondsnieuws Eerste aflevering: 23-03-2020
De podcast Fondsnieuws heeft in totaal 266 afleveringen
Maker: Fondsnieuws Datum: 09-06-2023
Maker: Fondsnieuws Datum: 22-06-2023
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