Aflevering Io Talks: Valuation Professionals Move Center Stage In Private Equity

· Aflevering van de podcast: Fondsnieuws

This Luxembourg edition of IO Talks hears about the latest developments in valuation of private equity and alternative investments, and about the recent launch of the Luxembourg Valuation Professionals Association, also known as the LVPA. Raymond Frenken, editorial manager at, speaks to Hind El Gaidi at Astorg; EY's Christophe Vandendorpe; PwC's Rafaël Le Saux and Antoine Boggini at BHB & Partners.  Related article on Investment Officer Luxembourg: - Valuation professionals move centre stage in private equity | | LinkedIn: The Netherlands | Belgium | Luxembourg Investment Officer is an initiative of FD Mediagroep, publisher of Het Financieele Dagblad and BNR Nieuwsradio. Burgemeester Reigerstraat 89, 3581 KP Utrecht, the Netherlands



Gemaakt door: Fondsnieuws Eerste aflevering: 23-03-2020

De podcast Fondsnieuws heeft in totaal 272 afleveringen

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IO Talks: Valuation professionals move center stage in private equity

Fondsnieuws · 05-12-2022

00:00 00:22:21