Since many companies the high yield universe are privately held, there is not always a strong incentive for extensive ESG reporting. ESG investing in high yield bonds still requires something extra from an investor, such as engagement and thorough due diligence. Now that high yield can rightfully be called high yield again and volatility is high, the opportunities for investors are increasing in this part of the fixed income market. This is what Marije Groen talks about with portfolio specialist Loïc Depierreux of PGIM Fixed Income.
Gemaakt door: Fondsnieuws Eerste aflevering: 23-03-2020
De podcast Fondsnieuws heeft in totaal 272 afleveringen
Maker: Fondsnieuws Datum: 22-09-2022
Maker: Fondsnieuws Datum: 24-09-2022
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