When open banking legislation is introduced in 2014 expectations are high. Customer centric sharing of payment data has the potential to affect virtually all sectors of the economy and be beneficiaire to most stakeholders. Although the promise is still the same, the reality is just a very small portion of consumers trusts third parties with their payment data. Nicolas Weng Kan, CEO of Yolt, expects half of all consumers in the EU to use open banking within the next five years; Annette van Soest asked him how he came to this prediction...
Gemaakt door: Fondsnieuws Eerste aflevering: 23-03-2020
De podcast Fondsnieuws heeft in totaal 266 afleveringen
Maker: Fondsnieuws Datum: 19-02-2022
Maker: Fondsnieuws Datum: 10-05-2022
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