Don’t pull on the rice Some people are good listeners. Some are great listeners. Psychologists, musicians, podcast editors… all good listeners. And then there’s Jocelyn Davis. She listens intently. With effort. Straining to understand. You notice it immediately. Jocelyn just may be the world’s best listener. This may also be what makes her a fascinating author, speaker and coach. In her beautifully written, evocative books The Greats on Leadership and The Art of Quiet Influence, she writes about collaboration and the ability to get things done, make things happen. About persistence and thoughtfulness and working without coercion or what she calls “positional authority”. Grist for The Macs mill. So I was thrilled when she said yes to joining me for a conversation. Our 45-minute conversational tapestry wove threads of New Mexico wildfires, the McEnroe-Borg clashes, practices for influence and a wonderful Chinese parable (don’t pull on rice to make it grow). Along the way, I learned the difference between authority and power, and about leading others - laterally instead of top-down – who don’t report to you. Jocelyn Davis has applied her education in Eastern philosophy and literature practically. As she put it: “Taking mindfulness onto the playing field requires specific advice on how.” Invite participation, share power, aid progress. Tell others about how their contributions matter. Sound easy? Think about it. She offers more. Or what about this: Practice self-rule; manage your emotions. Be the steadiest person in the room, not the most powerful. Use your time well, listening to others. Intrigued? Join in! Have a listen to how Jocelyn Davis listens. Just press play.
Gemaakt door: Fief Macrander Eerste aflevering: 13-11-2022
De podcast Fief's Podcast heeft in totaal 113 afleveringen
Maker: Fief Macrander Datum: 09-06-2022
Maker: Fief Macrander Datum: 10-08-2022
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