Where does bubblegum flavor come from? A bubblegum bush? A beaver’s butt? We track down the original bubblegum flavor formula, and find out what’s in there. Plus, why turkey eggs aren’t a thing. Guests: Philadelphia events expert Scott Bruce, confectioners Bob Boutin and Mauricio Bobadilla, turkey biologist James Dickson and birder Laura Erickson. Thanks to callers Arrie and Chiara, and also to Phillip Clauer and Christine Alvarado for their egg-spertise.
Gemaakt door: Gimlet Eerste aflevering: 01-03-2020
De podcast Every Little Thing heeft in totaal 152 afleveringen
Maker: Gimlet Datum: 12-11-2018
Maker: Gimlet Datum: 03-12-2018
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