Aflevering Thrift Store Smell: What Is It? Plus, Your Cleanspiracies

· Aflevering van de podcast: Every Little Thing

ELT gets to the bottom of a familiar aroma -- thrift store smell. Why do thrift shops all smell the same? Plus, is washing your clothes better than freezing them? ELT investigates listener cleanspiracies with expert cleaner Jolie Kerr. Guest: Jolie Kerr, writer and host of Ask a Clean Person. Thanks to callers Theresa, Rachel, Jeremiah, Nikki, Vicki, Mark, Juliana, Ben and all the listeners who called in with cleanspiracies.

Every Little Thing

Every Little Thing

Gemaakt door: Gimlet Eerste aflevering: 01-03-2020

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Thrift Store Smell: What Is It? Plus, Your Cleanspiracies

Every Little Thing · 18-02-2019

00:00 26:38