If you found millions of dollars worth of buried treasure, what would you do next? Take it to the bank? Sell it on eBay? Call 60 Minutes? ELT unearths the tale of the largest buried treasure ever found in North America. Plus, practical tips for dealing with newfound millions, and a nationwide treasure hunt, ELT-style. Guest: David J. McCarthy, numismatist. Special thanks to listeners Kurt, Elizabeth, Travis, Vicki, Nikki, Kimberly, Robert, and Rachel for helping us with our treasure hunt. And thanks to listener David for the question.
Gemaakt door: Gimlet Eerste aflevering: 01-03-2020
De podcast Every Little Thing heeft in totaal 152 afleveringen
Maker: Gimlet Datum: 19-04-2019
Maker: Gimlet Datum: 20-05-2019
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