For this episode we link the efforts on the university to the lived experiences in the city of Rotterdam. To do so, we invited assistant professor of Public Policy, Migration and Diversity Maria Schiller, who has done extensive research in the field of urban governance and migration-based diversity. This research lens and expertise allows us to discuss how different European cities deal with diversity nowadays. Besides, Alex Huang, a Taiwanese student feels who home in the colorful environment of Rotterdam, joined the discussion to share his lived experiences. This leads up to a discussion an important question: what is the role of the university in tackling contemporary challenges related to diversity?
Gemaakt door: Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences - Erasmus University Rotterdam Eerste aflevering: 01-05-2022
De podcast ESSB podcast | Meeting the Future Society heeft in totaal 23 afleveringen
Maker: Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences - Erasmus University Rotterdam Datum: 17-05-2022
Maker: Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences - Erasmus University Rotterdam Datum: 23-06-2022
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