EPIDEMIC with Dr. Celine Gounder and Ronald Klain podcast

EPIDEMIC with Dr. Celine Gounder and Ronald Klain

Wekelijkse Engelstalige podcast over het coronavirus. Het laatste nieuws, de laatste stand van de wetenschap, vragen van luisteraars zijn tips over wat je kunt doen.

  • Podcast gepubliceerd op: 1-3-2020 12:49:54
  • Taal: en
  • Laatste RSS update: 25-8-2021 12:49:54
  • Datum eerste aflevering: 27-2-2020 21:47:59
  • Datum laatste aflevering: 15-5-2020 10:00:00


24 Afleveringen

  • 32:56

    Our special guest this week is Dr. Tom Frieden, the former director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and former commissioner of the New York City Health Department. As head of the CDC during the Ebola epidemic in 2014, ...

  • 32:13

    “We cannot build a wall, a real wall, or a metaphorical wall to keep this disease out. We have to understand it's coming. It's here already. It's going to come to a greater extent and we need to be preparing to deal with that.” --Co-Host Ro ...

  • 02:22



    EPIDEMIC is a new, weekly podcast on the coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19). Hear from some of the world’s leading infectious disease and public health experts. We’ll help you understand the latest science, the bigger context, and bring yo ...


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