When I first started my search for information in order to better understand and help my gifted son who was dealing with explosive feelings, I was recommended the book ‘Emotional Intensity in Gifted Students – Helping kids cope with explosive feelings’. At that moment I hardly knew anything about what being gifted actually entailed. I just thought it meant heaving an IQ above 130, being a fast learner and having strong analytical skills. The reform I did not relate the problems our son was having to him being gifted in any way.Today’s guest is Christine Fonseca. Christine is an educational phycologist and author of many books on giftedness, trauma and intensity, one of which is a book I have recommended in podcasts before ‘Emotional Intensity in Gifted Students – Helping kids cope with explosive feelings’. In this podcast we discuss emotional intensity and the way it can manifest in our gifted kids. We also discuss how, as a parent, you can help your kids grow so they can handle their intense emotions and use them as a strength. Also, we talk about how trauma can impact the way our children show emotions and what you can do as a parent, teacher or health care professional to help these children regulate their emotions.
Gemaakt door: Marije Hofland Eerste aflevering: 25-03-2022
De podcast Een intense reis podcast heeft in totaal 43 afleveringen
Maker: Marije Hofland Datum: 11-10-2022
Maker: Marije Hofland Datum: 21-11-2022
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