The president is using racist hate-mongering as both a rallying tool and a distraction mechanism. It is the oldest trick in the autocrat playbook and it proving effective. Why are some Americans flocking to start new lives in Europe (10.36)? And, a tribute to a Ukrainian pilot who made the case for his country to get F-16 fighter jets (18.03). For full access to print, digital and audio editions of The Economist, try a free 30-day digital subscription by going to Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Gemaakt door: Onbekend Eerste aflevering: 10-10-2020
De podcast Economist Radio heeft in totaal 2365 afleveringen
Maker: Onbekend Datum: 31-08-2023
Maker: Onbekend Datum: 01-09-2023
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