The podcast returns after a two-week break with a round-up of the minor outrages that have been swirling round social media, from the French family who cheated death at a safari park to Hema's protracted protractors and Thierry Baudet's uns ...
Het nieuws in Nederland ligt op straat. Je vindt het ontzettend gemakkelijk. Bij de kranten, of bij de landelijke, regionale of lokale omroep. Maar al dat nieuws is wel in het Nederlands. Niet ideaal voor mensen die maar tijdelijk in ons land verblijven en geen Nederlands kunnen, of mensen die nog beginnen aan de Nederlandse taal. Deze mensen willen toch kunnen meepraten en mee kunnen doen aan onze maatschappij. Speciaal voor hen is er de podcast ‘Dutch News’: het Nederlandse nieuws, maar dan in het Engels. Ook een prima manier om als Nederlander je Engels een beetje bij te spijkeren. Zo werkt de podcast twee kanten op!
The podcast returns after a two-week break with a round-up of the minor outrages that have been swirling round social media, from the French family who cheated death at a safari park to Hema's protracted protractors and Thierry Baudet's uns ...
Liner notes: ...
It's a special King's Day podcast this week as the team examine the Dutch tradition of donning inflatable headgear and flogging your unwanted Dire Straits CDs to unsuspecting neighbours. We also find out why the prime minister was caught ou ...
We have a second shot at discussing the war on drugs in the week's podcast: is the Netherlands really becoming a narcostate, and are so-called 'cocaine yogis', with their healthy eating, hard partying lifestyles really to blame? We also bri ...
Today on the podcast: is the housing market overheating, why did a singing road lose its voice, is Max Verstappen more accident-prone than a Jeff Koons sculpture, and how did hawks and sea eagles become embroiled in a treetop turf war? No ...
After scoffing all their Easter chocolate in record time, the podcast team return with news of the Dutch banker jailed for his part in Donald Trump's rise to power, why the supermarkets came under fire for their part in English football fan ...
It's an election results special in this week's podcast, as we discuss why local parties rule the roost, how D66 lost out in the cities, whether it can get any worse for Labour and who fared best of the newcomers, including Denk, the PVV an ...
With a week to go until the local elections, we bring you up to speed on the soap opera that is Rotterdam's campaign and explain how and where you can cast your vote. Elsewhere, was ING's about-turn on its CEO's pay rise a victory for peopl ...
In the week when the most boring man in politics returned to the cabinet, a plot by taxi drivers to storm Uber's offices with fireworks and molotov cocktails was foiled, Dutch cyclists won a clutch of medals at the indoor track world champi ...
It may be just about the coldest start to March on record, but there's plenty of hot topics to digest on this week's podcast. We find out why Geert Wilders's efforts to thaw relations with Russia got a less than warm reception from the MH17 ...
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