Dutch News podcast

Het nieuws in Nederland ligt op straat. Je vindt het ontzettend gemakkelijk. Bij de kranten, of bij de landelijke, regionale of lokale omroep. Maar al dat nieuws is wel in het Nederlands. Niet ideaal voor mensen die maar tijdelijk in ons land verblijven en geen Nederlands kunnen, of mensen die nog beginnen aan de Nederlandse taal. Deze mensen willen toch kunnen meepraten en mee kunnen doen aan onze maatschappij. Speciaal voor hen is er de podcast ‘Dutch News’: het Nederlandse nieuws, maar dan in het Engels. Ook een prima manier om als Nederlander je Engels een beetje bij te spijkeren. Zo werkt de podcast twee kanten op!

  • Podcast gepubliceerd op: 11-9-2020 06:47:04
  • Maker: Dutch News
  • Taal: en
  • Laatste RSS update: 13-6-2022 15:45:00
  • Datum eerste aflevering: 24-1-2017 09:47:19
  • Datum laatste aflevering: 10-6-2022 13:12:34


241 Afleveringen

  • 50:45

    Originally this episode was intended as the bonus episode during the Christmas break but we failed to release it, mostlybecause we have the organizational skills of the Belgian railroads. Anyway, here is it and enjoy listening to Paul who t ...

  • 1:01:14

    This week, there are too many tourists, too many sports injuries and too many pandas puns. We bring you the latest investigation into a 2009 plane crash that doesn't leave the Dutch Safety Board looking very safe and tell you why everyone y ...

  • 49:14

    At last we can reveal the results of the most undemocratic vote since the Brexit referendum: our very own Ophef of the Year Awards. Mister Stikstof puts a spanner in the works of Schiphol's expansion plans and joins the chorus of VVD mayors ...

  • 44:00

    An even more explosive New Year's Eve than usual has forced politicians to talk seriously about banning neighbourhood fireworks. We discuss whether 2019 will prove to be the tipping point in the annual debate about a tradition that leaves h ...

  • 59:30

    It's the final podcast of the year and that can only mean one thing: the nominations for Ophef of the Year are in. We update you on the situation in Duindorp, the tax office benefits scandal and Ajax's exit from the Champions League. There' ...

  • 51:33

    Hot gossip, dodgy deals and bureaucratic minefields dominate this week's news. Finance minister Menno Snel comes under fire over the tax office's blunderbuss approach to suspected benefit fraud and tempers flare as The Hague cracks down on ...

  • 49:39

    Several long-running sagas come to a head in this week's podcast. Prime minister Mark Rutte and defence minister Ank Bijleveld face more tough questions over the deaths of 70 civilians in a bombing raid in Iraq. The tax office's sledgehamme ...

  • 57:14

    We're a man down this week, with Gordon disappearing under mysterious circumstances. Molly and Paul hold down the fort and tell you about why Kim Kardashian West ruffled some feathers in the Netherlands, why Dutch people are still chanting ...

  • 55:21

    As the nitrogen crisis continues to hang over the country like a vaguely threatening cloud, we examine how cutting speed limits became such a hot political potato. A court orders the government to bring home the children of jihadist mothers ...

  • 37:54

    It's been a week of false starts and abrupt endings as Schiphol's timetable was thrown into turmoil by a trigger-happy instructor, teachers went out on strike following a double U-turn by unions, a lawyer survived a cross-border assassinati ...

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