Dutch News podcast

Het nieuws in Nederland ligt op straat. Je vindt het ontzettend gemakkelijk. Bij de kranten, of bij de landelijke, regionale of lokale omroep. Maar al dat nieuws is wel in het Nederlands. Niet ideaal voor mensen die maar tijdelijk in ons land verblijven en geen Nederlands kunnen, of mensen die nog beginnen aan de Nederlandse taal. Deze mensen willen toch kunnen meepraten en mee kunnen doen aan onze maatschappij. Speciaal voor hen is er de podcast ‘Dutch News’: het Nederlandse nieuws, maar dan in het Engels. Ook een prima manier om als Nederlander je Engels een beetje bij te spijkeren. Zo werkt de podcast twee kanten op!

  • Podcast gepubliceerd op: 11-9-2020 06:47:04
  • Maker: Dutch News
  • Taal: en
  • Laatste RSS update: 13-6-2022 15:45:00
  • Datum eerste aflevering: 24-1-2017 09:47:19
  • Datum laatste aflevering: 10-6-2022 13:12:34


241 Afleveringen

  • 55:34

    In a week of cancellations, we bring you possibly the most distressing story ever to feature on the podcast. Wopke Hoekstra cancels himself as the next prime minister, the cup final is finally abandoned and Thierry Baudet causes ophef with ...

  • 49:56

    The podcast team looks back at a week dominated by bread and circuses, as the fairground wagons circled on the Malieveld and the first batch of new herring went to a good cause. The government is told to beef up its nitrogen reduction plans ...

  • 45:12

    It has been a week of protests. Amsterdam Mayor Femke Halsema touched the hot button issue of slavery opposition while an unsocially-distant crowd gathered on the Dam to protest racism. Those demonstrations spread to other cities without in ...

  • 1:02:36

    On the eve of the first big relaxation of lockdown rules, the podcast team asks if it's safe to take a seat on the train or in the bar. Police close an abattoir in Gelderland following a coronavirus outbreak, shining a spotlight on conditio ...

  • 52:21

    The nation took its first tentative steps into the 1.5-metre society this week. Children started going back to school, hairdressers started hacking though their waiting lists and the American ambassador resumed his love affair with fake new ...

  • 1:01:44

    As the nation prepares to emerge from lockdown, hand stitched face masks at the ready, we examine the government's plans in detail. Libraries, acupuncturists, sex clubs and campsite toilets all featured in Mark Rutte's schedule as Dutch soc ...

  • 1:08:58

    The podcast team overcomes 'coronamoeheid' and the horror of 'coronakapsels' to bring you the latest news on the lockdown as well as a few of the 700 new Dutch words that the epidemic has generated. Ministers come under more pressure over f ...

  • 58:33

    As the schools prepare to reopen in May, we examine the government's strategy to release the lockdown. What's the impact on regular healthcare? Is it all over for the football season? How did KLM manage to stir up outrage about executive bo ...

  • 45:12

    In this week's coronavirus news, demand on intensive care beds appears to be easing off but there is growing concern about the spike in deaths in nursing homes. There's also news of research into what proportion of people may have developed ...

  • 45:28

    Our socially distancing podcast team updates you on the state of the lockdown as the first signs emerge of the outbreak being brought under control. What do privacy campaigners have to say about the government's plan to use tracker apps? Wh ...

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