Aflevering The Magnificent Solo Gift Card Edition - Week 9 - 2019

· Aflevering van de podcast: Dutch News

A week of impulse buys and dodgy transactions is capped by the Dutch government increasing its stake in Air France-KLM, sparking ophef in Paris and causing the airline's share price to take a nosedive. We do our best to untangle the can of worms that was opened by Wopke Hoekstra's surprise move. Elsewhere, 90,000 bottles of vodka marked for Kim Jong-Un are seized in Rotterdam, new migrants are warned not to fall for scammers posing as the Dutch immigration service and disgruntled gift card owners spark riots in toy stores. We also bring you news of a terrorist plot in Groningen and ask what could possibly be prompting record numbers of British expats to turn Dutch.

Dutch News

Dutch News

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The Magnificent Solo Gift Card Edition - Week 9 - 2019

Dutch News · 01-03-2019

00:00 31:55