Early in the process of the Niemanders recording in asylum centers, journalist Christianne Alvarado came along. Searching for stories for the second season of the Niemanders podcast. With her microphone, she visited classrooms, emergency camps and homes, interviewing residents who were willing to tell their story. This is Season 2 episode 5: Nina Nina, an Iranian woman, currently lives in a Dutch hotel that is partially used as an asylum seeker center (AZC). It’s an ironic situation: a hotel evokes images of luxury and comfort, but her reality is far less rosy. Yet, many people see it differently—just as some believe that life in prison is comfortable. The reality is often far from that. During the conversation, Nina shares a piece of history about her homeland. She explains how Iran suffered a severe economic and cultural decline after the Ayatollahs took power. “For the religious leaders, it’s mainly about power and money, not so much about religion,” she says. Her words resonate, as this phenomenon—false prophets with false promises—is universal.
Gemaakt door: De Niemanders & ondercast Eerste aflevering: 09-12-2019
De podcast De Niemanders heeft in totaal 16 afleveringen
Maker: De Niemanders & ondercast Datum: 24-12-2024
Maker: De Niemanders & ondercast Datum: 10-01-2025
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