Early in the process of the Niemanders recording in asylum centers, journalist Christianne Alvarado came along. Searching for stories for the second season of the Niemanders podcast. With her microphone, she visited classrooms, emergency camps and homes, interviewing residents who were willing to tell their story. This is Season 2 episode 3: Abdi We first meet Abdi when he walks into the music room at the asylum seekers' center one day. His face, framed by a beautiful head of curls, reveals a deep sadness. It's as if a heavy cloud of worries hangs over him. Yet we feel an immediate connection with him. Abdi tells us that he has just received a negative decision. In a week's time, there will be one final interview. If that interview also has a negative outcome, he will have to leave.
Gemaakt door: De Niemanders & ondercast Eerste aflevering: 09-12-2019
De podcast De Niemanders heeft in totaal 16 afleveringen
Maker: De Niemanders & ondercast Datum: 06-12-2024
Maker: De Niemanders & ondercast Datum: 24-12-2024
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