Rebellion - an act of armed resistance to an established government or leader Cello - a bass instrument of the violin family, held upright on the floor between the legs of the seated player Busker - a person who performs music or other entertainment in the street or another public place for monetary donations. Virtue - a quality considered morally good or desirable in a person Love - an intense feeling of deep affection Brilliance - intense brightness of light Imagine, you are walking through Central Park in New York. Walking towards Winterdale Arch. You hear distant sounds, mystic music, played by Baroque Barbie. And you get to talk with her. An extra-ordinary busker from this Center of The World. If you listen carefully, it can be life changing. Rebellion is a Virtue. #rebellion #cello #busker #virtue #love #brilliance #baroquebarbie #newyork #centralpark #learningexperience #rokusloopik #harrygras
Gemaakt door: rokus Eerste aflevering: 09-12-2022
De podcast De Kantelcast - the Keymoment Podcast heeft in totaal 65 afleveringen
Maker: rokus Datum: 03-05-2022
Maker: rokus Datum: 18-07-2022
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