Aflevering 19. Vision - A Guided Journal Exercise

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· Aflevering van de podcast: De Gebakken Peren

Something different this time. No guest. Just me in your ears. With something really cool: A guided journal exercise to get your vision sharply in focus. 13 questions to trigger your thoughts and slowly take a journey into your brain. There's little intro. The audio gets straight into it. So first read the exercise description here so you understand the exercise and are ready to start. In short, it's a journal exercise. Because your vision isn't stored in your rational wordy part of the brain (the neocortex), we can't reason our way to it and more thinking doesn't make it clearer. It resides in the older limbic brain, the emotional brain. Journaling helps us to give words to what is contained in your subconscious. A quick word about freewriting because it's important. Freewriting isn't answering a question as you've learned to do in school. It's freely writing your thoughts to paper. There is no right answer to get to. Simply keep writing until time runs out! Yes this is counterintuitive but trust me. On the exercise page, you can also find 3 different versions of the audio. 1 with calm music instead of the piano music, and 1 with no music at all. Plus, there you can download the whole question set, and the vision canvas to use after the audio ends to capture the vision you journaled out of you. I hope you enjoy. This was a blast to make! Email me ( your vision or a picture of your canvas. I really enjoy hearing from you. Shots of Strategy in your inbox My bookshelf Credits Special thanks to Thijs Hoogenstrijd and the ImpactHub Amsterdam for co-creating. Years ago, I brought in this exercise in the Business Model Challenge (BMC), and this year we decided to create an audio version of it that's also included in the online version of the BMC. And of course as always Ruben May and The Podcast Garden for producing.

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De Gebakken Peren

De Gebakken Peren

Gemaakt door: Studio George Eerste aflevering: 30-08-2023

De podcast De Gebakken Peren heeft in totaal 63 afleveringen

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19. Vision - A Guided Journal Exercise

De Gebakken Peren · 14-05-2021

00:00 00:54:56