Aflevering Experimenting With Inner Development In Business – Andrea Klepsch

· Aflevering van de podcast: de Erno Hannink Show | Betere Beslissingen, Beter Bedrijf

Vandaag het gesprek met Andrea Klepsch. Founder of modem conclusa gmbh, as a pioneer in sustainability consulting and communication; internal and external communication.  Being enthusiastic about sustainable management and ecological-social lifestyles as a creative act in the sense of building, caring for, and honoring is what drives her. Her professional recipe for success consists of three basic ingredients: the knowledge and experience of the importance of nature shaped by vitality, the intensive study of (eco)systemic mechanisms of action, the ability to combine creativity and strategy, seasoned with a lot of courage and deep empathy. She finds it particularly nurturing to maintain close, cooperative relationships with farmers in her town and to have been trained as a "temporary cheesemaker". Enjoy the insights of Andrea. Laten we beginnen… In gesprek met Andrea leerde ik: She is into the natural spirituality Follow the resonance. There is an individual tempo and planting seeds turn into individual healthy development. She doesn't talk about greenwashing. Everyone starts somewhere and then it evolves. Andrea is not fundamental. Fundamentalism destroys growth and development. She rather asks questions to bring the people along. modem conclusa; modus = the way you do things; conclude = invite people to draw their own conclusions, and not to persuade. Sometimes it is good to learn the opposite of what you want to do; it strengthens you. Perspective thinking means for Andrea, diving into the perspective of how other people are thinking. Why is it so hard for us (in the Western World) to feel enough? Trust comes from the feeling there is enough. Michael Braungart: "In nature, there is always enough." We have lost the practical skills. With our basic skills, there is always a social interconnection. If we help each other with these basic skills we form a community. Be aware of the basic skills of others in the company. IDG is the best framework developed and it brings the light on kills we all have. Starting each meeting with 3 minutes of silence. Experience the value of slowing down before the meeting. De IDG's are very inviting. The V. World Organic Forum have put the SDGs and IDGs on their agenda for the forum in 2023 Avoids the words making the world better - she asks questions about the status quo, are you content with it? Do you hear enough laughter in your company? The organic companies are from the outer to the inner. Traditional companies it is more from the inner to the outer. How do we get out of the pressure for the SDG's? We need patience too, pressure paralysis. We need dynamic balance. See the book of Paul Behrens - The best of times, the worst of times. Andrea limits her media consumption. It helps her to be mentally healthier. If we make a business out of the IDG's, we are lost. Make people more curious, instead of saying how you should do this. Invite people to come to inner development. She uses it when she feels it is the right moment. She is not creating a concept. We should go back to more experimenting. Meer over Andrea Klepsch: Boeken van Andrea Tiefenökologie - Wie wir in Zukunft leben wollen, Authors: Franz-Theo Gottwald / Andrea Klepsch, published 1995 Die Kunst des Wirtschaftens, Reader published 2010 with a contribution on the art of cooperation by Franz-Theo Gottwald and Andrea Klepsch Andere bronnen: The Tao of physics - Fritjof Capra (Wikipedia) Gaia - James Lovelock (Gaia Hypothesis) Michael Braungart - Cradle to cradle: Remaking the Way We Make Things (2002) Deep ecology - Arne Næss The world Organic forum Integral Theory - Ken Wilbur https://www.

de Erno Hannink Show | Betere Beslissingen, Beter Bedrijf

de Erno Hannink Show | Betere Beslissingen, Beter Bedrijf

Gemaakt door: Erno Hannink Eerste aflevering: 07-12-2019

De podcast de Erno Hannink Show | Betere Beslissingen, Beter Bedrijf heeft in totaal 560 afleveringen

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Infocratie #boekencast afl 72

Maker: Erno Hannink Datum: 17-03-2023

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Experimenting with inner development in business – Andrea Klepsch

de Erno Hannink Show | Betere Beslissingen, Beter Bedrijf · 16-03-2023

00:00 1:05:47